
Get Assistance

Local knowledge, services and other resources that residents can take advantage of.


Education, job training, schools, libraries
Education Resources


Art, music, culture, sports and other ways to have fun
Entertainment Resources

Health and Wellness

Physical and mental health, healthcare, wellness, nutrition
Health and Wellness Resources

Local Business

Running a business, issues with businesses, employment, jobs, entrepreneurship
Local Business Resources

Local Government

Local government, city services, programs, voting, civic engagement
Local Government Resources

Neighborhood Association

The Historic Orchard Knob Neighborhood Association
Neighborhood Association Resources


Local safety, law enforcement, crime prevention
Safety Resources


Phones and computers, apps, internet access, broadband, digital literacy
Technology Resources
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Looking for a phone number?

We've gathered contact information for places you can call for help with various issues.

Help Directory

Anything missing?

We rely on community members to keep our content fresh and accurate. If you have an event, opportunity, or other thing your neighbors should know about, we’d love to hear about it and help get it on the hub.
Contact Us